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Data: ARCTAS 2008 Flight #2014

2008-06-28 (Flight #2014)

Flight Photo Album

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2008-06-28
Flight Time: 18:31-22:33 UTC
Data Time: 18:25 - 22:32 UTC
Aircraft Type: NASA P-3B
Flight Scientist: Antony Clarke
Flight Number: 2014
Mission Location: Cold Lake, Canada
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Flight track for flight 2014

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Satellite Image from MODIS

MODIS images for flight number 2014

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Satellite Images from GOES-11

GOES-11 satellite loop for flight number 2014

1745 - 2316 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

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Flight Direction Flight Direction
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2014 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2014
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2014 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2014
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2014  

Flight Mission Details

This was the first flight out of Cold Lake, Canada. Science goals include: 1) test flight operations finding and sampling fires, 2) fly fire outflow at diverse altitudes and stages of development, 3) CALIPSO inter-comparison with B200, 4) fire plume under-flight with B200 and with P-3B below, and 5) radiation and AOD for clean and fire plume conditions.

P-3B instrument payload:
AATS: Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotomter (AATS. Operational entire flight, but parked because of persistent cloud cover.

AERO3X: Partially successful.

BBR: No problems reported.

CAR - Cloud Absorption Radiometer measured angular distribution of scattered radiation and acquired imagery of cloud, smoke, and surface.

CCN Counter - Continuous-Flow Streamwise Thermal Gradient Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Counter (CFSTGC) -No problems reported.
COBALT - Carbon monOxide By Attenuated Laser Transmission (COBALT), an autonomous instrument based on off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. Collected good data.

HiGEAR - Hawii Group for Environmental Aerosol Research (HiGEAR) suite of instrument. Excellent flight.

PDS Project Data System (PDS) measured base meteorological and navigational measurements. Fully operational.

REVEAL - The Research Environment for Vehicle-Embedded Analysis on Linux (REVEAL) system is a prototype next-generation tool for aerospace vehicle sensor webs and the future Earth Observation System. Xchat operational, data Ops links running fine, but no data to the B200.

SSFR -Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer. Reported good data.

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

Approximate time in UTC ( Local Edmonton/Cold Lake time: -6 hours). Activities during CAR flight 2014 on June 28, 2008 out of Cold Lake, Canada to look for fires. Observations by CAR operator/PI, Charles Gatebe. Some notes adapted from a report by Antony Clarke, flight scientist.

17:45 -- CAR door opened manually.
18:01 -- CANS system power on.
18:03 -- CANS system saving data. Nav temp. 27°C.
18:28 -- CAR instrument power on. Scanning the sky.
18:31 -- aircraft engines on.
18:37 -- taxing. Nav temp. 30°C.
18:40 -- instrument fans power on. Cirrus clouds in the airport vicinity.
18:42 -- take off. (18:41 reported by Tony Clarke).
18:43 -- active roll on.
18:45 -- CANS working fine.
18:47 -- cryopump on.
18:50 -- 7000' high organic in AMS, low SSA, scattering 15Mm-1. (Tony Clarke).
18:53 -- SO4 up and CO ~130 ppb.(Tony Clarke).
18:56 -- CAR scanning in the starboard from zenith to nadir. Clouds above flight level - 2330 m amsl.
18:59 -- climb to above cloud. (Tony Clarke).
18:58 -- filter wheel channels seem ok, but noisy.
19:01 -- climbing above clouds -- cumulus.
19:02 --10500' leg over cloud; CN drop from 2000 to 2000. Scatter from 10 to 1Mm-1, CCN down to 30/cc. (Tony Clarke).
19:03 -- Filter wheel channels show less noise.
19:12 -- penetrate cloud, PVM response est. LWC = 0.2 µg/m3. (Tony Clarke).
19:13 -- penetrate through clouds. CAR scanning the surface from horizon to horizon perpendicular to the flight track.
19:14 -- CAR scanning in the starboard from zenith to nadir.
19:15 -- drop to 7500' (Tony Clarke).
19:16 -- alot of cirrus clouds.
19:17 -- CANS heading doesn't look right. Reading about 177°; should be heading north not south.
19:20 -- CAR scanning the surface from horizon to horizon perpendicular to the flight track.
19:22 -- drop to 2000' (Tony Clarke).
19:23 -- vegetation changing from green to brown.
19:25 -- level at 2000' agl. Wind 20 knots at 206°. Pyrocumulus about 40 miles to the east evident. (Tony Clarke).
19:29 -- 2000'; clearly too many clouds for CALIPSO; CCN ~800/CC. (Tony Clarke).
1932 -- enhanced aerosol? downwind of Ft. McMurray Industrial complex? (Tony Clarke).
19:33 -- enhanced levels of SO2 and CCN reported. (Tony Clarke).
19:39 -- Athabasca sand dunes.
19:44 -- Lake Athabasca and Athabasca sand dunes - brownish in color.
19:48 -- CAR scanning in the starboard from zenith to nadir. Heading towards fires.
19:50 -- 4000 ft, hit center of pyrocumuli at 59°38', 108°53'. (Tony Clarke).
19:51 -- in the smoke plumes.
19:55 -- CANS roll reading doesn't look right.
19:56 -- circle and repeat at N. side of cumuli where entrainment is happening, scattering 700Mm-1. (Tony Clarke).
20:00 -- in a smoky region; too much smoke.
20:10 -- break off plume run. Scattering drops to 60Mm-1. (Tony Clarke).
20:13 -- below cloud base.
20:15 -- skimming the cloud base.
20:15 -- climb and reverse heading at base of clouds above plume. (Tony Clarke).
20:18 -- thick cloud above.
20:22 -- isolated cumulus clouds.
20:25 -- filter wheel channels a little noisier than normal.
20:26 -- going through smoke plumes.
20:27 -- very heavy smoke; almost in diffusion domain.
20:28 -- back to the fire at 59°38', 108°53'. (Tony Clarke).
20:29 -- descending down to 2000 ft.
20:30 -- drop to 1000' (Tony Clarke).
20:33 -- flying through smoke.
20:36 -- CANS looks ok.
20:37 -- B200 above us; heading 020 on plume. (Tony Clarke).
20:46 -- smoke plume seen to the right
20:46 -- turn 160 to get plumes downwind (to the NE) of a line of fires, smoke up to 16000'. (Tony Clarke).
20:49 -- big plume above aircraft.
20:51 -- flying through smoke plume.
20:52 -- fly fire plumes which were sampled by B200. (Tony Clarke).
20:54 -- head to more fires to the east, about 59°39.3', -107°38'.
20:55 -- filter wheel at 1.6 µm.
20:56 -- spikes in the 1.6 µm channel. Not sure it's noise; seems to come from hot fires.
20:57 -- fly down axis of plume. (Tony Clarke).
20:59 -- flying through smoke plumes.
21:00 -- climb through plume to anvil outflow. Lose AMS (crashed) for 30 min. (Tony Clarke).
21:01 -- in smoke plumes. Not very thick, but visibility is very low.
21:06 --in smoke plumes.
21:06 -- darkened cloud outflow evident about 16,000'. (Tony Clarke).
21:08 -- skimming over pyro-cumulus. Cirrus above.
21:08 -- out of time; head back home and climb. (Tony Clarke).
21:16 -- heading towards pyro-cumulus.
21:19 -- between clouds.
21:28 -- cryopump turned off. Noise in the filterwheel channels.
21:30 -- at 23000'. Larger aged BC in thin plume aloft; Siberian air? (Tony Clarke).
21:31 -- inside clouds.
21:32 -- Nav temp. 3°C.
21:36 -- CANS heading not working well. Changing continuously -- increasing.
21:37 -- in progress profile to surface. (Tony Clarke).
21:40 -- Nav temp -0.44°C.
21:44 -- into sub-cloud haze layer about 9200'. (Tony Clarke).
21:47 -- CAR scanning the surface from horizon to horizon perpendicular to the flight track.
21:54 -- low level 500' leg. (Tony Clarke).
21:57 -- UV signal very low.
21:59 -- at 500 ft above ground.
22:02 -- climb to 8400'. (Tony Clarke).
22:03 -- over pine trees, then climbing to higher altitude.
22:06 -- fly just below cloud base. (Tony Clarke).
22:07-- low signal at 0.682 µm.
22:10 -- CAR scanning in the starboard from zenith to nadir. Clouds above.
22:20 -- CAR door closed.
22:21 -- CAR door completely closed.
22:22 -- CAR power off.
22:29 -- landed.
22:33 -- CANS heading moving like a clock.
22:35 -- CANS power off.
