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Data: ARCTAS 2008 Flight #2020

2008-07-07 (Flight #2020)

Flight Photo Album

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2008-07-07
Flight Time: 17:57-02:06 UTC
Data Time: 17:46-01:57 UTC
Aircraft Type: NASA P-3B
Flight Scientist: Dr. Philip Russell
Flight Number: 2020
Mission Location: Cold Lake, Canada
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Flight track for flight 2020

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Satellite Image from MODIS

MODIS images for flight number 2020

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Satellite Images from GOES-11

GOES-11 satellite loop for flight number 2020

1715 - 2346 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

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Flight Direction Flight Direction
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 2020  

Flight Mission Details

This was the seventh flight out of Cold Lake, Canada. Science goals include: 1) Asian-Siberian plume, 2) Saturn Island AERONET (in situ aerosol, CO, O3, AATS spiral, radiation gradient & stack, CAR-AERONET) 3) Ice Field BRDF, Ice Field BRDF.

P-3B instrument payload: (no available instrument reports)
AATS: Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotomter (AATS.

AERO3X: Partially successful.Main AERO-3X instrument absent. Good data for relative humidity system.

BBR: No problems reported.

CAR - Cloud Absorption Radiometer measured angular distribution of scattered radiation and acquired imagery of cloud, smoke, and surface. Filter wheel channel occasionally unstable.

CCN Counter - Continuous-Flow Streamwise Thermal Gradient Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Counter (CFSTGC) -No problems reported.

COBALT - Carbon monOxide By Attenuated Laser Transmission (COBALT), an autonomous instrument based on off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. Collected good data. Inlet problem solved.

HiGEAR - Hawii Group for Environmental Aerosol Research (HiGEAR) suite of instrument. Excellent flight. AMS had computer crashes - twice.

PDS Project Data System (PDS) measured base meteorological and navigational measurements. Fully operational.

REVEAL - The Research Environment for Vehicle-Embedded Analysis on Linux (REVEAL) system is a prototype next-generation tool for aerospace vehicle sensor webs and the future Earth Observation System. Operational the whole flight.

SSFR -Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer. Reported good data.

Summary (Colleen Kelly, 7 July 2008):
The flight was 8.0 hours with a departure time of 1205 (L) and landing 2006 (L). A very successful flight that required combining elements of Plan A and Plan B while in flight, in response to very challenging cloud conditions. The in-flight changes required exceptionally good communication with collaborators on the ground, as well as a tremendous
effort by the P-3 Pilots to execute desired maneuvers in challenging locations. Accomplishments include:

1. Aerosol radiactive forcing efficiency measurements under edge of advancing Asian/Siberian plume
2. Measurements of aerosol effects on MODIS-Terra
3. Tests of model aerosol, CO, & O3 predictions at many locations
4. Radiant flux divergence stacks for SSA spectra at 2 locations
5.CAR circles over AERONET for CAR-AERONET retrievals
6.three-way closure (in situ, AATS, AERONET) in spiral

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

Approximate time in UTC ( Local Edmonton/Cold Lake time: -6 hours). Activities during CAR flight 2020 on July 07, 2008 out of Cold Lake, Canada. Observations by CAR operator/PI, Charles Gatebe.

17:35 -- CAR door opened manually.
17:38 -- power on all the systems.
17:46 -- CAR and CANS power on.
17:57 -- engines on. CANS data restarted.
18:05 -- taxing.
18:18 -- take off.
18:21 -- active roll on.
18:23 -- thunder clouds (Cb, Cu).
18:28 -- smell of burning wires.
18:43 -- AOD 0.0106 at 499 nm.
18:54 -- chan 1 &2 shows some spikes in the data.
19:13 -- dark layer spotted out to the horizon. Pilots thinks we are in the layer. Alt. 6.197 km msl.
19:17 -- Filter wheel channels unstable. AOD 0.084 at 499 nm.
19:20 -- lots of Ci above, Cu below.
19:22 -- very bright clouds below. 470 nm saturated.
19:24 -- Filter wheel channels stabilizing.
19:25 -- pilots warning on icing expected in 7 miles.
19:27 -- penetrated very bright clouds. Diffusion domain conditions encountered for a few seconds.
19:31 -- ozone 70 ppb.
19:38 -- AOD 0.06 at 499 nm. Alt. 6.224 km msl.
19:43 -- cloud below is no longer uniform, but has structure..
19:56 -- above clouds. Terra overpass 10 minutes ago.
19:58 -- check for bad data packet.
20:08 -- O3 75 ppb.
20:09 -- Ci above.
20:18 -- Ci above.
20:52 -- clouds above and below. Plan to spiral up, then down.
20:54 -- roll seems suspect. Confirm.
21:05 -- AOD 0.05 at 499 nm. Alt. 7.4 km msl.
21:08 -- Alt. 7.48 km msl.
21:09 -- ramping down for CALIPSO.
21:43 -- heading south to Vancouver island.
21:55 -- clear sky above. Stratus below.
22:03 -- break in cloud.
22:25 -- AOD 0.14. Low-level radiation leg at 200'.
22:28 -- beginning of spiral up.
22:30 -- 1.6 micron shows some spikes. AOD 0.13 at 200' and 0.07 at 3.4 km.
22:40 -- AOD 0.065 at 3.9 km msl, decreasing to 0.05 at 5.3 km.
22:48 -- spikes in 1.6 micron data. Ozone 71.8 ppb.
22:50 -- spiral down.
23:03 -- level at 1.075 km. Heading toward Saturn Island.
23:17 -- clouds above.
23:19 -- leaving clouds. Entering a clear area.
23:29 -- setting up for CAR BRDF measurements.
23:31 -- circle #1. Clear sky; surface dominated by water & forest.
23:34 -- circle #2.
23:38 -- circle #3. AOD 0.12. reset BRDF circles and center over dark water.
23:40 -- circle #4.
23:42 -- end of BRDF circles. AOD 0.124.
23:45 -- AOD 0.133. Radiation leg. Start 56 m msl.
23:49 -- end of radiation leg at low-level.
23:52 -- AOD 0.095 at 1.8 km.
23:54 -- AOD 0.088 at 2.4 km.
23:58 -- AOD 0.068 at 4.6 km.
23:59 -- AOD 0.062 at 5.1 km.
00:01 -- AOD 0.058 at 5.5 km. Dark aerosol layer seen at 5.465 km.
00:10 -- high concentration of pollutants reported.
00:11 -- AOD 0.03 at 7.6 km.
00:14 -- AOD 0.019 at 7.9 km.
00:18 -- distinct layer. AOD 0.012 at 7.9 km;
00:44 -- AOD 0.035 at 7.2 km; high organics and sulphates.
00:47 -- request to go higher.
00:58 -- AOD 0.018 at 7.9 km, CO 270 ppb. AOD 0.011 at 8 km.
01:00 -- Alt reading is -ve. (error). AOD 0.009.
01:33 -- Alt. 8.18 km. Start descent.
01:57 -- CAR door closed. CAR parked and power off.
02:02 -- landed.
02:06 -- stop taxing. CANS power off.
