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Data: CLASIC 2007 Flight #1921

2007-06-18 (Flight #1921)

Flight Photo Album

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2007-06-18
Flight Time: 13:16 - 15:43
Data Time: 13:10 - 15:36
Aircraft Type: Jetstream 31 (J-31)
Flight Scientist: Charles Gatebe
Flight Number: 1921
Mission Location: SGP Site, Oklahoma, USA
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Flight track for flight 1921

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Satellite Image from MODIS-Aqua/Terra

MODIS-Aqua/Terra images for flight number 1921

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Satellite Images from GOES-12

GOES-12 satellite loop for flight number 1921

1302 - 1632 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

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Flight Direction Flight Direction
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1921 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1921
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1921 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1921

Flight Mission Details

This was the 3rd flight out of Ponca City. Preflight goals focused on measuring BRDF over the Southern Great Plain Central Facility (36.60°N, 97.48°W) -- CF and Little Washita (35.04°N, 97.91°W) -- LW under completely overcast conditions.

J-31 Crew - David Thrasher (Pilot 1) & Scott Kaiser (Pilot 2).

Cabin Crew - Charles Gatebe (Flight scientist; GEST/GSFC), Robert Billings (UC Santa Cruz/NASA Ames), and Miguel Roman (Grad. Student, Boston Univ.)

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

Time (UTC).
13:01 -- Engines on.
13:02 -- POS, Nose controller, and CAR instrument started normally.
13:16 -- takeoff.
13:23 -- three broken clouds layers observed while on transit to CF. Layer 1 top at 3500’ agl.
13:28 -- orbited the CF at 2800’ agl for BRDF measurements. In and out of broken Cu clouds. Cloud water seen on the bubble window. Aircraft a little bumpy while inside clouds.
13:45 -- end of BRDF circles.
13:56 -- orbited CF at const. altitude (3800’ msl) while trying to establish contact with Vance Air Traffic Control.
14:11 -- transiting to LW and flew through clouds -- 3000’ msl.
14: 14 -- out of clouds.
14:33 -- inside cloud; descending down to LW.
14:35 -- still inside cloud; a little bumpier. Cloud foggy, but no water forming on the bubble window.
14:39 -- orbiting the LW at 2000’ agl for BRDF measurements. Flying through clouds; can’t go below clouds base because of safety concerns.
14:58 -- end of BRDF circles. Climbed to 4000’ agl and return to Ponca City.
15:09 -- inside a deep cloud; relatively dark.
15:12 -- going through pockets of rain, sometime heavy. Mirror heater for CAR turned on throughout.
15:23 -- between clouds layers ; Cu below and Ci above.
15:37 -- CAR shutdown.
15:43 -- touchdown.
15:49 -- Engine off.
