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Data: INTEX-B 2006 Flight #1908

2006-03-08 (Flight #1908)

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2006-03-08
Flight Time: 18:55 - 19:27
Data Time:
Aircraft Type: Jetstream 31 (J-31)
Flight Scientist: Dr. Jens Redemann
Flight Number: 1908
Mission Location: Mexico
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Image Unavailable

Satellite Image from MODIS-Aqua/Terra

MODIS-Aqua/Terra images for flight number 1908

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Imagery by Bill Ridgway, NASA GSFC

Satellite Images from GOES-12

GOES-12 satellite loop for flight number 1908

1315 - 2345 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

Images Unavailble

Flight Mission Details

By Dr. Philip Russell

Preflight goals focused on getting AOD profiles and transects, SSFR fluxes, CAR circles, and RSP legs in cloud-free conditions over the Gulf East of VER in coordination with Terra, Aqua, the King Air, and the Twin Otter during MISR local mode overpass.

BUT FLIGHT WAS ABORTED on take off because of a bird’s strike. Because of the delays associated with the above tests, there was no opportunity for science flights on this day. Terra overpass was 1704 UTC and Aqua was 2009 UTC

CAR worked well with door closed, and powered down properly when the flight was aborted.

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

1855: Engines on
1922: Start takeoff roll - aborted immediately due to bird-strike
1927: Engine off
