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Data: INTEX-B 2006 Flight #1912

2006-03-12 (Flight #1912)

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2006-03-12
Flight Time: 15:18 - 18:34
Data Time: 15:26 - 18:29
Aircraft Type: Jetstream (J-31)
Flight Scientist: Dr. Jens Redemann
Flight Number: 1912
Mission Location: Mexico
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Flight track for flight 1912

Larger image (new window)

Image by Gala Wind, NASA GSFC

Download KMZ/KML File (right click, save as)
No hdf file available

Satellite Image from MODIS-Aqua/Terra

MODIS-Aqua/Terra images for flight number 1912

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Imagery by Bill Ridgway, NASA GSFC

Satellite Images from GOES-12

GOES-12 satellite loop for flight number 1912

1302 - 2340 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

Click browse image thumbnail to load more detailed version (images open in a new window)

Images by Tom Arnold, NASA GSFC

Flight Direction Flight Direction
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1912 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1912
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1912 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1912

Flight Mission Details

By Dr. Philip Russell

Preflight goals focused on getting AOD & water vapor profiles and transects, SSFR fluxes, CAR circles, and RSP legs over the Gulf in the MODIS glint-free swath in the King Air lidar curtain near the Tampico and Tamihua AERONET sun/sky photometers.

CAR worked well. Ci prevented CAR circles. Good data.

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

1518: Engines on
1548: Take off
1550: Ascending to 15,000’ in transit to pt. 2
1608: Widespread Ci en route
1618: Descending in ramp pattern under Ci to give King Air time to catch up
1631: 200’, Start low-level leg, Ci all around
1646: 200’, start spiral ascent in clear spot about 50 nmi SSW of pt. 4, AOD @ bottom ~0.18, with King Air above @ 1650 UTC
1658: 4.15 km = top of aerosol layer
1702: 14000’, start 5-min leg in principal plane, heading ~320 deg
1708: 14000’, right turn 135 deg to maneuver for RSP
1713: 14000’, right turn to 210-215 deg
1718: 14000’, heading for point 9.
1723: spiral descent near Tamihua sunphotometer
1737: 200’, low-level leg to find gradient, some Ci around, not in FOV
1751: 200’, ascend to transit altitude
1815: 14000’, looking for Ci-free near VER—negative.
1830: Land
1834: Engine off
