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Data: INTEX-B 2006 Flight #1916

2006-03-18 (Flight #1916)

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 2006-03-18
Flight Time: 16:23 - 19:43
Data Time:
Aircraft Type: Jetstream 31 (J-31)
Flight Scientist: John Livingston
Flight Number: 1916
Mission Location: Mexico
Lat/Lon Coverage:

Flight Track Map

Flight track for flight 1916

Larger image (new window)

Image by Gala Wind, NASA GSFC

Download KMZ/KML File (right click, save as)
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Satellite Image from MODIS-Aqua/Terra

MODIS-Aqua/Terra images for flight number 1916

MODIS/Terra larger image (morning) (new window)

MODIS/Aqua larger image (afternoon) (new window)

Imagery by Bill Ridgway, NASA GSFC

Satellite Images from GOES-12

GOES-12 satellite loop for flight number 1916

1302 - 2332 UTC

CAR - (QuickLook)
Imagery from CAR Instrument

Click browse image thumbnail to load more detailed version (images open in a new window)

Images by Tom Arnold, NASA GSFC

Flight Direction Flight Direction
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1916 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1916
CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1916  

Flight Mission Details

By Dr. Philip Russell

Preflight goals focused on characterizing aerosols and surface albedo at T2 in coordination with Terra and aerosols and BRDF over the Gulf in coordination with Aqua.

CAR problems at start; computer & inst out of sync. Maybe because of abnormal shutdown yesterday. Up & running after ~40 min. Usable data including clouds. Lots of BRDF meas over Gulf. Interesting cloud-aerosol contrast in SWIR vs visible channels. Normal shutdown.

Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

1623: Engines on
1634: AATS darks
1649: AATS unparked, acquiring good sun data, some scat Ci
1658: No Ci for last few minutes
CAR not working
1715: Ci ahead
1736: Extensive Ci—turned around—10 nm before T2
Need to allow extra 10-15 min to T2 to get there on time
1827: NNE of VER positioning for spiral down & CAR runs over area
1832: Begin spiral down at 1500’/min.?
Desired low leg leading to RSP: 30 to 35
1848: Bottom of spiral at 250’ AOD(520)~0.16
1849: Begin CAR maneuvers
1900: Complete CAR maneuvers; descend to 250’
1904: Begin principal plane run at ZGPS~150’ (190450 UT) AOD(520)~0.157
1908: Begin spiral up to 8500’ ~ record 2320? Had to cut horiz leg short due to Ci ahead; spikes in AATS data during spiral due to tracking, not Ci
1915-1919: (We are ~20 min from VER) High alt (2.7 km, 8500’) horiz run back along princ plane heading ~194.
1924-1930: RSP perpendicular run; crossed at 192530 UT
1940: Land. AOD(520) at VER 0.18
1943: Engine off
