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Data: SCAR-B 1995 Flight #1692

1995-08-24 (Flight #1692)

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 1995-08-24
Flight Time: 1552 - 1924 UTC
Data Time:
Aircraft Type: C-131A
Flight Scientist: Prof. Peter Hobbs
Flight Number: 1692
Mission Location: Brazil
Lat/Lon Coverage:

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Flight Mission Details

Flew over the sun photometer site near Cuiaba. Investigated the thick smoke plumes and fumulus cloud.



Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

16:34:?? UTC, scan count = 266: fly over the sun photometer site near Cuiaba.

16:35:?? UTC, scan count = 345: IR detector temperature is still too hot for 2.29 µ channel.

16:35:?? UTC, scan count = 390: the IR detector temperature is -196 °K, temperature lower enough for all IR channels.

16:40:25 UTC, scan count = 855: thick smoke plume beneath the C-131A . Photo taken.

16:43:10 UTC, scan count = 1140: gain set on 5 (amplification gain factor of 2).

16:53:30 UTC, scan count = 2174: heading north, flying inside a thick smoke layer.

17:15:45 UTC, scan count = 4414: a thick smoke plume on starboard of the plane.

17:19:50 UTC, scan count = 4766: ground is barely visible.

17:23:25 UTC, scan count = 5182: penetrate smoke plume, one can even smell it inside the air plane.

17:24:10 UTC, scan count = 5253: take a picture of fumulus cloud (smoke/cloud plume).

17:28:10 UTC, scan count = 5660: circle around the fumulus cloud. Double peak features in angular radiance profile are shown up on the CAR display console.

17:44:16 UTC, scan count = 7273: start penetrating the fumulus cloud (smoke/cloud plume).

17:44:31 UTC, scan count = 7300: exit the fumulus cloud (smoke induced cloud plume).

17:48:44 UTC, scan count = 7724: C131A is at the level where the smoke is being fed into the fumulus head. We are in a brief period of diffusion domain. Sun appears to be a dim orange disk.

18:01:?? UTC, scan count = 9028: on our way back to the Cuiaba airport, sample isolated smoke plumes.

19:09:55 UTC, scan count = 15890: close the CAR door.

