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Data: SCAR-B 1995 Flight #1703

1995-09-07 (Flight #1703)

Aircraft Flight Summary

Date: 1995-09-07
Flight Time: 1512 - 1856 UTC
Data Time:
Aircraft Type: C-131A
Flight Scientist: Prof. Peter Hobbs
Flight Number: 1703
Mission Location: Brazil
Lat/Lon Coverage:

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CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1703 CAR Quicklook image for flight number 1703



Flight Mission Details

ER-2 coordinated flight near south-east of Porto Velho. BRDF study over a dam at about 9° lat south and 63 degree lon west (Repressa Samuel). CAR sees black water, dead trees and small islands. Cloud cover in the area is about 30%.



Flight Path, Timing, and Measurements

15:38:42 UTC, scan count = 200: detector temperature is -188 °K, 2.29 µ channel. The rest of the filterwheel channels are OK.

15:40:38 UTC, scan count = 350: heading south-east of Porto Velho, present altitude = 7600 feet, CNC1 = 1565 /cc. We are on our way to rendezvous with ER-2. As usual, we are in a haze layer, puffs of cumulous clouds embedded in the haze layer just below C131A. Ground directly beneath us is barely visible otherwise you only see the bluish haze. Perform race track pattern over the sun photometer site.

15:53:17 UTC, scan count = 1620: at 13442 feet, CNC1 = 619 /cc, near the top of the haze layer. Thin cirrus clouds above the smoke layer.

15:57:47 UTC, scan count = 2063: at 14300 feet, top of the smoke layer. see alto cu to the right wing in some distance. Cirrus above and CNC1 = 200 /cc.

16:94:48 UTC, scan count = 2780: lots of cumulous clouds under C131A, patches of cirrus above. Present aircraft altitude is 15000 feet. CNC1 = 270 /cc. In order to get some data for CAR, I requested that that when the aircraft turns back at the end of each leg of the race track, bank the airplane at 20 degree to the right. At least CAR can get 1 full circle of BRDF type of measurement.

16:18:12 UTC, scan count = 4127: see alto cumulous right below the airplane. Present altitude 13468 feet and CNC1 = 800 /cc.

16:24:08 UTC, scan count = 4722: at the end of a leg, bank the plane to the left at 20 degree. I locked on filterwheel channel onto position 2. Present altitude 13000 feet.

16:27:?? UTC, scan count = 5090: completed the left bank and level the plane. Switch filterwheel on auto mode.

16:28:35 UTC, scan count = 5174: flying through clouds at 10000 feet.

16:42:13 UTC, scan count = 6544: abort the 20 degree right turn and fly through a big cumulous clouds. Radiances do not seem to be a function of scan angle any more (for all channels). The profile is nearly a straight line on the CAR display monitor.

16:43:?? UTC, scan count = 6670: at the end of a leg, bank the plane to the right at approximately 20 degree, CAR is looking into the smoke layer. Filterwheel position is locked onto 2.

16:44:33 UTC, scan count = 6777: break out the right bank, switch filterwheel back to auto mode. Ground is barely visible, even at straight down direction.

16:50:32 UTC, scan count = 7380: going through a cumulous at about 8500 feet.

16:59:20 UTC, scan count = 8264: at the end of a leg, bank the plane to the right at 20 degree, CAR is looking into the smoke layer. Present altitude = 9100 feet, CNC1 = 1000 /cc, filterwheel is locked onto position 5. Alto cumulous clouds appear at 12 o'clock position, should be seen by the CAR right now.

17:01:17 UTC, scan count = 8457: break out the right bank and go after some clouds. I switched filterwheel channel back to auto mode.

17:09:32 UTC, scan count = 9292: sample individual cloud, radiances

