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Campaign Summary

Campaign Name Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites 2001
Campaign Location Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean
Campaign Plan CLAMS Operation Plan (pdf)
Inclusive Dates 10 July 2001 - 2 August 2001
Aircraft Flight Scientist Prof. Peter Hobbs
Additional Instruments Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-14)
Status Campaign Completed


CAR Data Summary

Principal Investigator Dr. Michael King
Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Charles Gatebe
Spectral Bands Configuration
Calibration Type Final
Missions Flown 10
Level-1B Data available
Level-1B Data Distribution NASA LaRC Atmospheric Sciences Data Center




CAR Mission (Flight) Pages
(Click on flight number or map to load mission page)

Flight # 1870   2001-07-10
Flight map for flight number 1870
Flight # 1871   2001-07-12
Flight map for flight number 1871
Flight # 1872   2001-07-14
Flight map for flight number 1872
Flight # 1873   2001-07-16
Flight map for flight number 1873
Flight # 1874   2001-07-17
Flight map for flight number 1874
Flight # 1875   2001-07-23
Flight map for flight number 1875
Flight # 1878   2001-07-26
Flight map for flight number 1878
Flight # 1879   2001-07-30
Flight map for flight number 1879
Flight # 1880   2001-07-31
Flight map for flight number 1880
Flight # 1882   2001-08-02
Flight map for flight number 1882


Campaign Objective: 

CLAMS is the Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites field campaign sponsored by CERES, MISR, MODIS-Atmospheres and the NASA/GEWEX Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP). The centerpiece of CLAMS is the Chesapeake Lighthouse sea platform 20 km east of Virginia Beach, at which NASA and NOAA make continuous, long-term measurements of radiation, meteorology, and ocean waves. Members of the CERES, MISR and MODIS instrument teams are collaborating to accomplish a common set of objectives tied to the validation of EOS data products. A first CLAMS campaign, currently being planned for July 2001 to validate Terra data products, is a shortwave closure experiment targeting clear (cloud-free) sky conditions and focused on obtaining:

1. more accurate spectral and broadband radiative fluxes at the surface and within the atmosphere,
2. characterization of ocean optics in the vicinity of the lighthouse, and
3. description of the atmospheric aerosol amounts, micro-physical and optical properties, and their variability.

The observation strategy being designed for CLAMS to accomplish these goals will help satisfy a more specific set of objectives which includes validating retrievals of aerosol properties from satellites. These objectives are:

1. comparisons with in-situ measurements, surface-based measurements, and sensor intercomparisons,
2. assessing the impact of scene variability on measurement uncertainty, on ten meter to tem kilometer spatial scales,
3. testing the impact of improved boundary specification using CLAMS measurements, and
4. improving retrievals in sunglint regions.

A final object is to derive a more accurate description of the shortwave radiation budget of the cloud-free earth-atmosphere system that includes:

1. improved characterization of ocean optics including BRDF as a function of sun angle, aerosol loading, wind and sea state,
2. assessing the radiative impacts of aerosols,
3. extending the interpretation of CLAMS data to the open ocean.